Whew, y'all. April was KILLER. I had so much I wanted to get done (and accomplished most of it) but sheesh. I'm looking forward to May (hopefully) being a little more laid back. There were some good things to come out of the craziness, though! :)
From This Moment is LIVE and is permafree on all retailers! *bootyshake* I love, love, love this story of Grace & Ray and hope you will, too!
Take Me Home received a rewrite and nearly DOUBLED in word count! So, if you've previously purchased this book, you may want to go in and see about getting the updated file. No, scratch that... you neeeeed to get the updated file and see what Charlotte and Landon got down to (some of it is hot)! ;)
Let's see... oh! I should have a new story just for you guys, my newsletter peeps, by next month's sending. I'm working on finishing it up now!
There's a couple other little tidbits on the book side of things below, so be sure to check them out!
On the personal front, the first-ever awarding of the scholarship set up in my dad's name happens next week. My mother, my sister, and I went through the selection process and I have the speech written (though it will be presented by a friend and co-worker of my dad's). It'll be a bittersweet night, but we're happy that this scholarship could have the chance to change the course of someone's life. :)
That's all for this month's edition! Happy Mother's Day on Sunday to those who celebrate it!
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