Red Letter Day!
Today was a big day for me. And for my books. Let me explain. Once I had a couple titles under my belt, I made a list of goals I wanted...
Answering 'The Question'
It never fails. You're out and about, chatting with folks, trying to keep it friendly. When they find out you're a writer, they...
Reviews: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly
If you have anything to do with the book world, either as a reader, author or blogger, you see and hear the "R" word all the time. And I...
Behind the Mask 2018 - Nashville, TN
I went to my first big signing event this weekend (as a visitor, not an author). And I have to say... I had the BEST time. My good...
Here we go again...
Remember how, in the beginning of this thing, I said I sucked at blogging? Well, let’s put this into perspective here… My last blog was...
Excerpt Reading!
I had the opportunity to record a snippet of Her Last Love for a blog recently, and I wanted to share it with you! Enjoy!
It's Release Day!
Finally...FINALLY...I can reveal it to the world what my secret project is! I am so pleased and proud to present City Boy, Southern Girl...
Pinterest for Authors - Pt 2
Picking up from the first video, this part talks about Board Booster and how to use it's tools to keep your feed active.
Pinterest for Authors - Pt 1
Just an overview of how I use Pinterest to engage followers, and what I use to manage it!
Avoiding Burnout
It's almost inevitable...we're all trying to write, edit, promote, network...all while trying to have a family and a life. It can get...
"Marketing Mondays" & Marketing Calendars
It's all about getting your marketing organized!
Author Takeover Events
A webinar I put together for my author friends who are looking to get started in Author Takeover Events on Facebook.
Interview with C.L. Cannon
Be sure to check out her Q&A in the Ask the Author group!
Interview with Lindsay Marie Miller
Be sure to check out her Q&A in the Ask the Author group!